2024 meetings
16th November | finance committee meeting | draft budget 2025/26
18th November | parish council meeting agenda | financial report | correspondence | draft emergency plan | Code of Conduct for review
8th October | car park committee agenda | car park project accounts
16th September | parish council meeting agenda | financial report | correspondence | draft emergency plan
15th July | parish council meeting agenda | financial report
13th May | annual parish meeing agenda | annual parish council meeting agenda | financial report | correspondence | policies for review | annual return documents for 2023/24 can be found on the accounts page
18th March | parish council meeting agenda | correspondence | financial report
15th January | parish council meeting agenda
2023 meetings
13th December | finance committee agenda | draft budget 2024/25
13th November | parish council meeting agenda | financial report | interim budget summary | correspondence | draft meeting dates 2024
18th September | parish council meeting agenda | financial report | correspondence
7th August | planning committee meeting agenda | link to planning application documents on SNC website
7th July | parish council meeting agenda | financial report | correspondence
15th May | annual parish meeting agenda | annual parish council meeting agenda | financial report | correspondence | annual return 2022/23 documents can be found on the accounts page
13th March | parish council meeting agenda | financial report | review: internal controls | review: financial regulations | review: asset register | review: financial risk assessment | correspondence | draft councillor code of conduct |
20th February 2023 | planning committee agenda | site assessments | site plan | guidance for responding to the Regulation 19 consultation | the KCEPC response to the Regulation 18 consultation in 2021 | CPRE response to Regulation 19 consultation
30th January 2023 | parish council meeting agenda | financial report | correspondence | draft budget
2022 meetings
12th December 2022 | finance committee meeting agenda | draft budget 2023/24 | draft budget summary | draft precept history | draft grant history
21st November 2022 | parish council meeting agenda | financial report | correspondence | draft meeting dates 2023 | allotment document review |
26th September 2022 | parish council meeting agenda | financial report | interim budget report | correspondence
18th Jul 2022 | parish council meeting agenda | financial report | draft internal control policy | briefing paper for Operation London Bridge
16th May 2022 | parish council meeting agenda | financial report | draft final accounts 2021/22 | insurance policy renewal | terms of references for review | draft reserves policy | draft emergency plan
25th April 2022 | annual parish meeting agenda
28th March 2022 | car park committee meeting agenda
21st March 2022 parish council meeting agenda | financial report | correspondence | car park committee accounts
10th January 2022 parish council meeting agenda | matters arising | financial report | draft budget 2022/23 | correspondence | bank account options | internal audit quotation | planning enforcement cases | planning application - quarry | planning application - residential
​2021 meetings
13th December 2021 budget meeting agenda | draft terms of reference for finance committee | draft budget 2022/23 | SNC parish precept details | grant applications | RBL "Tommies"
15th November 2021 parish council meeting agenda | financial report | draft procurement policy | correspondence | emergency planning documents | ​​meeting dates 2022 | Christmas fundraising event | County Councillor report for November
20th September 2021 parish council meeting agenda | financial report | interim budget report | correspondence | county councillor report
15th September 2021 car park committee meeting agenda | lease requirements | civil engineer and other quotes | list of costs to date
20th July 2021 planning committee meeting agenda | VCHAP consultation information | VCHAP maps | SNC webinar presentation | SNC webinar Q&A | CPRE comments | Brockdish & Thorpe Abbots PC comments
19th July 2021 parish council meeting agenda | financial report | internal auditor report | 2020/21 annual return | footway lights replacement quotes | correspondence | county cllr report | new county cllr biography
6th May 2021 annual parish meeting agenda | Kirby Cane Charity report | Ellingham United Charities report | Kirby Cane Memorial Hall report | Newgate Allotment Society report
6th May 2021 annual parish council meeting agenda | financial report | correspondence 1 | corrrespondence 2 | correspondence 3 | correspondence 4 | correspondence 5 | correspondence 6 | correspondence 7 | correspondence 8 | correspondence 9 | insurance policy renewal | insurance policy schedule 21/22 | SAM2 report |
15th March 2021 parish council meeting agenda | financial report | policy review: standing orders | policy review: financial regulations | policy review: effectiveness of internal controls | policy review: financial risk assessment | policy review: Covid-19 risk assessment | highways issues: speed on A143 | county councillor report | district councillor report | correspondence | police report 1 | police report 2 | police report, rural crime | fires at pallet yard | NCC response to flooding | NCC budget proposals | litter on Geldeston Road | community litterpick
11th January 2021 parish council meeting agenda | financial report | revised draft budget 2021/22 | grant history | precept detail | budget summary | correspondence list | correspondence 1 | correspondence 2 | correspondence 3 | correspondence 4 | correspondence 5 | correspondence 6 | SNC cllrs update | NCC cllrs report | internal auditor quote
2020 meetings
14th December 2020 budget meeting agenda | budget notes | draft budget 2021/22 | grant history | precept detail | draft budget summary | new dog bin | possible dog bin locations | grant request 1 | grant request 2 | draft letter to MP re speed on A143
9th December 2020 car park committee meeting agenda | revised plan
16th November 2020 parish council meeting agenda | financial report | interim budget report | footway lights - electricity supply quotes | quotes for repair of village sign | options for new dog bin | dates for meetings in 2021
21st September 2020 parish council meeting agenda | financial report | county councillor's report | police newsletter Aug-20 | police newsletter Sep-20 | NCC joins national adoption campaign | draft Covid-19 risk assessment | draft SAM2 risk assessment | agreement for permissive access on the Kirby Cane Estate | planning policy change consultation
17th August 2020 car park committee agenda | draft terms of reference | Car park plans - options 1, 2 & 3 | Car park plans - option 2A | possible surface
20th July 2020 parish council meeting | financial report | county councillor's report | district council report | correspondence | consultation on councillors' code of conduct - model document | SAM2 report | NCC parish partnership invitation letter | NCC speed policy | police report | police report - Covid
18th May 2020 annual parish council meeting | financial report | insurance quotes | annual return 2019/20 | internal auditor's report
16th March 2020 ​​parish council meeting | financial report | policy review - standing orders | policy review - financial regulations | policy review - effectiveness of internal control | policy review - financial risk assessment | correspondence | police report | Neighbourhood Area Determination & Decision, Mettingham, Barsham with Shipmeadow, Ringsfield & Weston
13th January 2020 parish council meeting | draft budget 2020/21 - updated | financial report
2019 meetings
​​9th December 2019 parish council meeting | draft budget 2020/21 | budget 2020/21 funding applications 1 | funding applications 2 | funding applications 3 | permissive access information | Norfolk County Council environment policy | correspondence - speed limit on A143
18th November 2019 parish council meeting | financial report | correspondence list | precept setting process & timeline | draft memorandum of understanding for the SAM2 | footway lights report | draft meeting dates for 2020 | police report, October | draft amendment to Newgate Allotment Society rules & regulations | draft protocol for the holding of bonfires | draft bonfire record sheet | draft accounts for Music in the Park (22/9/19) | Norfolk County Council - adult social services fact & figures | Norfolk County Council - carers matter
16th September 2019 parish council meeting | financial report | correspondence list | full correspondence (redacted) | half-year budget summary | district councillor report | county councillor report
15th July 2019 parish council meeting | financial report | correspondence list | options for Norwich Western Link (C preferred option)
13th May 2019 annual parish council meeting | financial report | draft final accounts for 2018/19 | draft co-option policy | internal auditor's report
4th April 2019 annual parish meeting | county cllr annual report 2018/19
18th March 2019 parish council meeting | financial report | county cllr report for March
14th January 2019 parish council meeting | draft budget 2019/20 | financial report
2018 meetings
10th December 2018 finance committee meeting | draft budget 2019/20 | applications for funding 2019/20
19th November 2018 parish council meeting | financial report | meeting dates 2019 | police report, October | police report, November | Footway lights - draft transfer agreement | Footway lights - Ellingham | Footway lights - Kirby Cane | GNLP - KCE sites | Norfolk County Council bus service notice
17th September 2018 parish council meeting | financial report | correspondence | draft allotment agreement for ratification | draft allotment rules & regulations for ratification | PC response to planning application, September 2016
16th July 2018 parish council meeting | financial report | correspondence | draft allotment agreement | draft allotment rules & regulations | draft allotment structure application
21st May 2018 playground committee meeting | Annual Parish Council Meeting
18th April 2018 parish council meeting | Annual Parish Meeting
27th March 2018 footway lights committee meeting | committee terms of reference | list of footway lights | SNC consultation template |
19th March 2018 parish council meeting (including correspondence) | financial report | county councillor report | police report | route for Bungay Marathon, 8th April | briefing notes | list of footway lights
15th January 2018 parish council meeting | draft budget 2018/19 | 8. financial report |
county councillor report | police report | correspondence
2017 meetings
18th December 2017 finance committee meeting | draft budget 2018/19 | applications for PC grant funding | briefing on General Data Protection Regulations
20th November 2017 parish council meeting | police report | possibile adoption of streetlights | County councillor's November report | 7. financial report | 17. meeting dates 2018 |
playground committee | playground committee accounts
18th September 2017 parish council meeting
17th July 2017 parish council meeting
15th May 2017 parish council meeting
27th March 2017 parish council meeting
13th March 2017 annual parish meeting
17th January 2017 parish council meeting | playground committee
10th January 2017 finance committee
2016 meetings
15th November 2016 parish council meeting
20th September 2016 parish council meeting
19th July 2016 parish council meeting
24th May 2016 parish council meeting | playground committee
15th March 2016 annual parish meeting | parish council meeting
19th January 2016 parish council meeting
5th January 2016 finance committee